Monday, January 26, 2009

He shoots...He scores...DADDY is proud!

Is he a natural or what???

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Father/Daughter Dance

Friday night had to be hands down one of the best nights of my life! Kev has been sick (really, really sick...I'll spare the gory details but take your definition of sick and multiply it 3 times). He hadn't been able to eat since Tuesday night. Nothing would stay down or inside (UGH). But Kali's school had its annual Father Daughter dance and she (and Kev) have been looking forward to it for WEEKS!!! Not to mention that at "Freedom Friday" (the weekly assembly's at Kali's school) the principal announced that they would be giving out trophies to best dancers. So, Kali had been practicing in hope of winning a trophy. But given Kev's condition I suggested that my Dad take her instead but he REFUSED.

So, that afternoon, he got ready and took his baby girl to her very first dance. They were serving dinner and since even the smell of food made his stomach twist and turn, after they got their plates and sat down, together they said a prayer. Kev asked GOD to help him not get "sick" and to make it through the night. And guess what! GOD is so good! Not only did he make it through the entire night dancing the entire time...they won the FIRST place trophy for Best Dancers!

Thank you GOD SO much for my husband and for answering a prayer that meant so much to the two of them!

She's ALMOST walking!

Check out Tymorie! She is standing up on her own and is almost walking....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Amazing Rose Parade Floats

Every year, the Rose Parade Floats are on display in Pasadena the day after the parade. This year we finally stopped "talking" about going and we actually went. WOW! is all I can say. The floats are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I think the fact they are all made from flowers, beans, rice and other natural plants and unbelievably massive is what fascinates me the most. Each float even has people there to tell you about it, what its made out of and answer any and all of your questions. Speaking of which, Kali had some really good ones. We didn't get to see all of them because the kids lips were beginning to turn blue and Kali asked in here sweet little voice, "Can we please go home now...I'm cold!" It is a crazy mad house with all of the thousands of people there but WELL worth the crowds. I'm hoping this event will be a new family tradition of ours.

Adventure Park...Kind of.

Kevin and I heard about this really neat park in Irvine, called "Adventure Park". So, one afternoon (might I add "cold" afternoon) we loaded up the kids and took off to Irvine. Now Adventure Park has some really cool play structures, a place for the older kids to actually build onto the existing wooden structure and it's HUGE. Well, we got out there and found out that the park CLOSES for the winter and is only open in the summer! There was a park nearby but it wasn't much of an we played there for a while and drove home. We still had a good time but next time, I will be sure to call first.

Kaliana's Fabulous Birthday Bash

So, Kali had her 6th Birthday Party...almost a month ago, okay exactly a month ago (What can I say...I've been busy). The theme was a "Hollywood Premiere Party". It was so much fun! We rented out the Temeku movie theatre (they have an AWESOME birthday party deal- highly recommend it) and played The Nutcracker for all of the kids. They had to walk the red popcorn and just be fabulous. Kali really got into it! As you can see she is a natural on the red carpet. We are really going to be in for a treat when she gets older.

So, many of her friends came out for the big event. Friends from her old preschool, kindergarten and of course her cousins. We are so blessed to have all of them in our lives.

After the movie we all went over to BJ's (yes...I put the red carpet down as they walked into the restaurant through the spinning door. I know, I'm dork but it really played into my theme...I mean Kali's theme.

We ate pizza...

Opened presents...

And ate a really big Pizzookie!!!

At the end of the day our little starlettes were ready for nap, or at least I was. We came home and just thanked our Lord for all of our blessings. Especially for the one that He gave us six years ago on Dec. 16, 2002!