Thursday, February 26, 2009

A thought...A poem...A revelation

As I was cleaning up yet another mess made by my son...I was down right annoyed! I cried out to God, "WHY! Why does he have to make such a mess? I can't take this anymore!" It's one thing after another. I can't leave the boy out of my sight for more than a second. And even then he still finds a way to push the boundaries. Whether it is coloring on the walls, pouring out all of the shampoo, playing with toilet water, TPing my living room, dumping out baby cereal, taking and eating all of Tymie's snacks from her, pouring himself water from the fridge (which ends up all over himself and the floor), jumping on furniture, taking a bath with all his clothes on, writing on his face with marker, pulling the tape out of the VHS tapes...the list can go on forever!

Then God pressed upon my heart, that he is exactly who he needs to be. A PRINCE of a Mighty King. I sat with that thought for a minute and I began to list off all of the character traits that I thought would be needed to be a PRINCE of a MIGHTY King. Courage, Bravery, Faith, Ambition, Vision, Strength...etc. And I realized that God needs MEN out there in this world who would be wiling to PUSH the boundaries of society, who will be willing to take on an ADVENTURE, who have VISION and will be willing to go out there and FAIL at times, who are AMBITIOUS to keep on GOING when the world tells them to stop...

Yes, my SON, GOD'S son, is a PRINCE of a MIGHTY King. And if I teach him how to walk in HIS ways imagine what a PRINCE like that could do in the KINGDOM! So, he is just practicing home where he safe, loved and able to be taught. And soon, when he's smuggling bibles into China or traveling to some remote village in the Amazon to preach the WORD, or standing up for JESUS in school, or doing an act of kindness because GOD told him to, or loving his WIFE with all heart they way JESUS loves church...I will yearn for these days back. Yes, he is in training and I am his designated teacher.

So, with all that said I will be turning my thoughts, my revelation...into a poem called "A Prince of MIGHTY King...that's who". I am not sure when, or how, or even why...I just know that the next time I'm cleaning up some mess...I won't be crying out to God, "WHY" but I'll be saying, "Thank you, for trusting me with your PRINCE!"

A Princess Tea Party

Kali and Tymie decided to have a tea party. Kali dressed Tymie up with a scarf and crown and they were sitting in their room having a really fun time. Kali is such a great big sister. Tyler even joined in on the fun (but I won't be posting those pictures! ha ha). I am so happy they have eachother for sisters. What a blessing.

Good Afternoon, MOM!

After Tyler wakes up from his nap, he always yells for me. He likes to take his time waking up so there can be a quite a bit of time that passes from the time he wakes up to the time he yells for me. He can easily climb in and out of his crib but he knows not to leave his room until I come to get him. As I walked in after being summoned by him one afternoon...this is what I saw. I laughed so hard! The funny thing is...I happened to have the camera in my hand because I was going to download some pics on the computer. There is never a dull moment with Tyler around.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Moment Like This....

is what makes motherhood indescribably beautiful.

The Leaning Tower of TP

After we came home from the grocery store, Tyler was so proud of his TP Tower. And of course, when Kevin saw him building he couldn't help but jump right in. They wanted to see how tall they could get it and if they could use all 24 rolls. To make a tall story short...they only got to 13! What a fun Daddy-Son moment.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Pure Irony, a Mouse (or so we thought) and a conversation with POISON control

Isn't it ironic that I have been sick since TUESDAY...with the worst body aches, fever, sore (or should I say..RAW) throat, cough, sinus pressure, stuffy nose...etc, counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until my hubby comes home from work. Still having to cook meals, clean messes, change diapers, wash dishes, do laundry, help with homework, wipe away tears, break-up fights, wait for the exterminator and sit on the phone with poison control...yes, poison control. And Kevin gets sick today? FRIDAY! Just in time for the weekend. To rest, relax and recover!! Oh, the irony of being a mom.

The mouse (or so we thought)...So, a mouse got in the house and we set some traps for it. But after a few days it was still here making itself comfortable in our home(not ideal). It was somehow able to claw it's way off of the sticky traps we left for him (don't use the ones from Home Depot). So, we called an exterminator to come over and have at it. We found out it is coming in from outside from under the sink. So we traped it last night and Kev had to dispose of not one but TWO mice! Real nice.

The dreaded call to Poison Control...the morning started off nice. I sent Kev and Kali off to work & school (on time), made breakfast for the little ones and put on Baby Mozart to try and steal a couple of minutes to brush my teeth, try and unclog my nose and tame my hair. That's when I heard it...the cry for help. It was Tymorie and she doesn't cry. I knew something was wrong. I ran downstairs only to find Tyler standing on a chair in front of her highchair with a bottle of 409 in hand. He was trying to "clean" her up! I screamed loud enough to make him stop spraying the bottle in her FACE, grabbed the baby and flushed her eyes out in the sink. Raced to bath tub to rinse her in there and dialed poison control. Thanks to GOD..she and Tyler (although that required some serious prayer) are just fine. I shouldn't have left them alone. GOD was truly watching out for her because after only 15 minutes under running water her eyes were good and she had no complaints of an upset tummy. I learned a really scary lesson that morning.

Thanks for listening to me rant!

Monday, February 9, 2009

"Big Bear Mountain PUN, Mom!" ~Tyler

What a "PUN" weekend we had in Big Bear. It snowed!!! The kids went sleding and snow tubing...and we stayed in a beautiful was wonderful.