Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Not So New House....

So, it's been a while since The Caldwell Famiy has posted a little something on here. In fact, it has been about 2 years!!

It's amazing all of the things that happen in 2 years. So, I will try my best to catch you all up.

Well, one of our last posts was about us signing the escrow papers to our very first home! Well, escrow closed on our home and we had some work to do. We were so blessed with a home we could call our own and have had a really great time fixing it up just the way we like it.

One of our biggest projects that we have had was our landscaping. Our home was a foreclosure so the landscaping was REALLY bad. But with a little TLC it's now our dreamscape.

Here was the outside...

And here is the outside now...

Here was the backyard...

And here is the backyard now...

The hubby put in SIX fruit trees for me!! I have always wanted to have fruit trees in the backyard and now I have SIX! The fruit is tiny and still needs some time to mature but I LOVE it.

This is going to sound cheesy...but theres something about looking in the backyard and watching the birds fly around, build nests and perch on our little bird bath that warms my heart. It's like a scene from a musical every time I was the dishes.


m2m leadership said...

Happy to have you back Mamma....looking forward to reading all about your up comming journey!